Preventing a fire while bbqing
10/13/2022 (Permalink)
Even though summer is ending , we all will continue to BBQ and enjoy cooler temperatures. I am sure house fires are not the first thing going on through your mind. There are two major ways to avoid house fires this time of year! One being to be proactive and two being to stay attentive!
By being proactive some things you can do prior to enjoying company while you smoke or grill this Fall:
1. Make sure you position your Grill away from shrubbery and eaves.
2. Clean grates and remove debris of grease and dust!
Now to be attentive some things you can do are...
1. Stay close, if you forget something make sure someone is watching while you walk away.
2. Set alarms for all things to ensure you don't get distracted.
3. Keep mitts , wooden utensils , and towels away from flames and side burners.
These simple directions can help keep your home and family safe!
Have a fun and safe end of summer, from all of us at SERVPRO of North San Bernardino City.